Marsh Root Driftwood for aquarium

Best Practices to Utilize the Marsh Root Driftwood in the Aquarium

European aquascaping enthusiasts are more familiar with Marsh root driftwood than those in other parts of the world.

However, its popularity is rising globally due to people’s interest in its beauty. Knowing the best practice to utilize it is essential.

Why is Marsh Driftwood So Popular?

People have many reasons to fancy this driftwood. First of all, it is sterile because the driftwood comes packed in salt water.

Bacteria and other parasites that may inhabit the driftwood will be killed in such an environment. Therefore, your fish will be safer.

Additionally, people love a minimum amount of work needed to prepare Marsh root driftwood other than a quick rinse.

It is because the wood is already pre-soaked. The aquarist no longer needs to dip the wood inside the water days before using it.

Although structurally, it does not look too complicated, people have sung praises for its striking dark color. When placed inside the aquarium, everyone’s attention will immediately be drawn to it. The wood adds character to the whole aquascape.

The Best Practice to Use Marsh Root Driftwood

Preparation and maintenance are the two most essential stages in the utilization of driftwood for aquascaping.

The following list shows how someone can maximize the use of this type of driftwood in the two stages:

  1. Rinsing the Wood

Although the wood is already pre-soaked when it arrives, the user may still need to rinse the wood before use.

This is especially important if the driftwood is placed within a small aquarium, as the high salt content on the wood’s surface may disrupt the whole pH balance in the water.

  1. Attachment of Aquatic Plant

Aquatic plant attachment is highly recommended since this driftwood species does not look aesthetically appealing due to its solid structure. You can use Asian water fern, Anubias barteri, or Christmas moss to enhance the look. This is done in the preparation process.

  1. Observing the White Mold

Usually, white mold will appear on the driftwood surface in the first days after being added to the aquarium.

It will eventually go away. However, if the mold persists, you should take out the driftwood and boil it to kill the mold.

In Summary

To sum up, here are the best practice to utilize Marsh root driftwood in your aquarium:

  • Rinsing the driftwood before use, especially in a small aquarium setting.
  • Attaching beautiful aquatic plants to enhance appearance.
  • Paying attention to persistent white mold at the beginning.

It is quite evident that this driftwood is relatively low maintenance compared to some others. With extra effort, you can make it as beautiful as the others.

The Pros and Cons of Using Marsh Root Driftwood for Your Aquascaping Project

Many aquascaping artists who do not live in Europe tend to overlook Marsh Root Driftwood.

When pondering about the use of this wood, they do not fully understand it.

This passage will show the pros and cons of using this wood type as an aquascaping material.

The Pros of Using Marsh Root Driftwood

The following shows the pros of utilizing this wood type in your aquarium:

  1. It Does Not Produce Tannis Discharge

Unlike many other driftwoods, this one does not produce tannins discharge.

When driftwood produces tannins, the water in the aquarium will turn brown, ruining its entire aesthetic. This driftwood is often used because the water will remain clear.

  1. The Wood Stays Dark Over Time

The driftwood already has a dark color. This color tends to remain for its lifespan.

Other driftwoods may experience discoloration, especially if other organisms start to grow on them. This wood might be one of the most consistent woods out there.

  1. Choosing the Gravel Color is Easier

Due to its striking color, and aquascaping the artist will not have difficulty matching the gravel color. It suits light-colored gravels the best.

Light-colored gravel will make the aquarium look brighter since it reflects light. Thus, this situation is pretty ideal.

The Cons of Using Marsh Root Driftwood

Of course, there are some cons when it comes to using this for aquascaping:

  1. High Salt Concentration on the Surface

Because people receive the driftwood in a saltwater-packed package, it is understandable that the surface has a high salt concentration.

The user needs to rinse it well to clear debris and salt before use. If not, it may kill the fish inside the aquarium after a few days.

  1. The Structure Does Not Look Appealing

Another common con about this driftwood use is its unappealing structure.

Upon a brief look, it just looks like a typical root structure.

This is a reason why this wood is less popular outside of Europe.

This can be improved by using aquatic plants to add more appeal to the wood. This process takes a very long time, though.

In Summary

To summarize, here are some pros of using Marsh Root Driftwood in the aquarium:

  • It does not produce tannins, so the water stays clear.
  • The wood does not discolor over time.
  • Aquascaping artists have an easier time choosing gravel colors.

Meanwhile, the cons of using the driftwood include:

  • The surface has a high salt concentration.
  • The structure is not appealing.

Some people come up with various ways to minimize the cons to achieve the positive sides of this driftwood usage.

It does not take much to make this wood usable and beautiful looking.