Driftwood For Aquarium: 30 Types of Wood for Aquascaping
Aquascape and aquarium are undoubtedly different; the difference between the two lies in the main object of maintenance. For an aquarium, the focus and primary object of care is only the fish.
In contrast, aquascape maintenance’s focus and principal object is fish and the entire ecosystem in the container, be it the plants, the rocks in it, the carpet of life, the wood, or Driftwood.
Wood plays an important role and functions as a medium for the growth of several aquatic plants forming several aquascape designs to look more beautiful.
Not all wood is for aquascapes, and here are some types of wood commonly used for aquascapes or Driftwood for aquariums.
1. Rasamala Wood
The wood most often used as aquascape decoration is Rasamala wood which has the Latin name Altingia Excelsa Noronha.
Some places in Indonesia call Rasamala wood as even wood, Tulasan wood, Arendong wood, or Mandung wood.
The wood is mainly found in hilly forests and humid mountains.
In Sumatra, Rasamala trees are widely distributed in the Bukit Barisan; they grow naturally, especially in moist locations with high rainfall.
Rasamala wood is known to be strong even though it is in contact with water, so it is widely used for boats and, of course, as a decoration for the aquascape itself.
The characteristics of Rasamala wood are that when dry, it does not release much sap, so it does not make white mucus in the aquarium, then it has a reddish color with some unique bends and branches. What is certain is that if it is used for aquascape, it is very suitable.
The picture above is the Rasamala wood that has been arranged in such away.
The price ranges from $3 to $10.
It all depends on the size and pattern of the wood. The latest I saw in the online store size M sold 70 thousand.
2. Mangroves
This type of Driftwood is indeed quite popular among aquascapers; this wood is also quite aesthetic.
The characteristics of mangrove wood are its wood with a smooth texture, few branches, and at the ends of the branches.
You can get this type of mangrove wood on the coast or in the mangrove forest.
However, although this wood is considered very aesthetic, this mangrove wood has many shortcomings, including this mangrove wood is easy to crack and break.
This mangrove wood can change the color of the water to yellow because there is a reasonably high tannin content in this mangrove wood.
3. Santigi Wood
The wood used for the next aquascape is Santigi wood. Santigi tree has a Latin name, Pemphis acidula.
It is a tree that grows and is widespread in South Asia, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.
Santigi wood is known by the local names centigi, drini, cantinggi, kastigi, mentigi, setigi, sentigi and santiki.
What is clear is that this wood is often used as a bonsai plant and also to decorate an aquascape.
The roots or twigs have beautiful curves, so they look natural when combined with moss plants or a type of dissident.
4. Senggani Wood
Senggani wood is beautiful enough to be used as ornamental wood for aquascapes. Usually, people make bonsai with the influence of the roots of the Senggani tree.
Because the Senggani characters are minor, they are assembled into bonsai and become large.
The size of the Senggani wood is not as big as the Rasamala wood, so the roots are usually used.
There are many large Senggani roots, and please look for them on the slopes, mountains, bushes, cliffs, or rivers, then look for a giant tree and take the roots.
Please see the photos above, the beautiful and exotic Senggani wood roots. For a variety of prices, some are cheap, and some are expensive.
5. Mopani Wood
This type of wood comes from the African continent, and this wood is also a type of wood that is quite popularly used for aquascapes.
This wood has the characteristics of being unbranched, densely textured, and quite strong.
To get this wood, you may only be able to find it online shop, but at a pretty high price.
6. Coffee Wood
It has a unique shape, namely many roots, and is very varied, so this coffee wood is a favorite for aquascape fans.
The price is also meager, even free if you can find it yourself.
But if you want to use coffee wood as ornamental wood for aquascape, then you have to boil it first and remove the cambium or sap that is on the coffee wood, scrape the skin and then dry and boil it, then soak it for three weeks to make it reasonable to use.
7. Guava Wood
It turns out that the roots or twigs of the guava tree around us can be used as ornamental wood for aquascape. You guys don’t protest, it’s foreign, but I write from experience.
Some of our colleagues have planted moss plants on guava wood roots.
Guava wood can be used to decorate an aquascape. In the world of the aquascape, there is a term called hardscape 10 Types of Aquascape Wood that are Often Used and Practically Obtained.
It is recommended to use wood from guava.
Then when you take the wood or roots, don’t put it directly into the aquarium, but remove the skin, boil it, dry it in the sun until it’s scorched, and soak it in water for at least 2 to 4 weeks.
The important thing is to remove the tannins first until they are clean, scrape them with glass or a knife, then dry them in the sun to dry and boil them again for at least 3 hours.
8. Teakwood
Who does not know this type of wood, this wood is a prevalent type of wood. But teak wood is less attractive to aquascapers.
Because teak is not much in demand, teak wood has properties that are hard to sink and easy to float.
If you still want to use teak for aquascape, you can use it by holding the teak wood so it doesn’t float or be given a heavy load when using it in your aquascape because that’s what makes teak wood less attractive.
After all, it’s challenging and stubborn Driftwood to sink.
9. Tamarind Wood
The next type of aquascape wood readily available is tamarind or tamarin wood (Tamarindus indica), which can have a unique shape.
Aquascape lovers can take advantage of the roots and twigs of tamarind wood with curved and sturdy branches.
In choosing tamarind wood on an excellent aquascape, you should choose one that is old enough so that it will not rot when soaked in water.
Compared to the stems and twigs, the roots of the tamarind wood are the most popular because of their more exotic shape to enhance the appearance of the aquascape.
10. Hornwood
Hornwood or Thornwood Is one of the woods used by the originator of the aquascaping hobby named Takashi Amano.
The characteristic of this type of wood is that the wood has a solid and unique texture and does not have many branches but looks like a horn motif.
This type of wood also varies in price, depending on the shape and texture of the wood.
11. Branchwood
This wood has the characteristics of twigs and branches that are quite a lot.
And the stems can also be used to plant moss as the leaves; if it’s been a long time and the leaves are thick, the beauty will be seen.
However, if you are using this wood for the first time, you should soak it first so that the wood can sink because if this wood is not soaked first, the wood will float in your aquascape.
The price of this wood also varies.
12. Rambutan Wood
If you want a large and sturdy aquascape wood, the rambutan wood (Nephelium lappaceum) can be chosen.
Rambutan wood for aquascape also needs to go through several stages before it can be used properly.
First, you need to clean the rambutan bark and then dry it in the sun to dry. Then boil and soak the rambutan wood to remove the tannins in the wood.
Do it until the tannin substance is completely clean and the rambutan wood can be completely submerged.
13. Cholla Wood
Beautifully patterned wood-style, Which can be difficult and often expensive to obtain, must be purchased if found cheap!
As long as the denser varieties of Cholla wood are unlikely to last, Delicate or intricate stemmed patterns tend to wear out most quickly in the aquarium over the years to months.
14. Malaysian Driftwood
Perfect for huge aquariums and smaller aquariums when smaller pieces are found. Its distinctive orange color can recognize this wood.
For this reason, it also has a higher risk of tannin leaching.
15. Rosewood Root
Unusual and thick branched wood is usually used in aquascaping competitions.
Aquarists use it to imitate a Forrest tree and its massive root system that flows down into the water column. Suitable and beautiful Driftwood for an aquarium.
16. Mesquite
Mesquite is an arboreal species belonging to the family Fabaceae.
Mesquite wood is often sourced in huge chunks.
Preserved whole pieces can be costly but are also very intricate and beautiful.
Mesquite is an excellent choice for aquarists with enormous aquariums looking for a piece of Driftwood.
These more significant pieces of best wood are often broken down and sold in smaller quantities.
This usually results in the highest return for the seller.
The tree is about 13 m long, with petiolate leaves of 1-3 pairs of sessile pinnae, yellowish-white flowers arranged on spikes that produce fruit-like pods, dark brown color, and oval seeds. Yellowish white.
The use of this arboreal species is extensive.
It is used as animal and wildlife feed and for the production of honey and wax in beekeeping.
Mesquite wood is also used for environmental protection plans, as it protects the soil from desertification and erosion.
17. Ribbon Wood
Ribbonwood is excellent for small aquariums that need dark Driftwood.
It works very well with lighter substrates.
This is a perfect choice for a river-style aquarium.
The dark color also serves to contrast with plants such as the Javan fern and Anubias.
18. Bogwood Driftwood
Thick tubular wood should be reserved for taller tanks.
It can develop a beautiful root system that is expensive and highly sought after.
Cow wood is an excellent choice for attaching plants and ferns.
These can be difficult to purchase and will likely require finding a private seller.
19. Pinus Radiata
Growing Area: Australia (740 thousand hectares)
Chile (about 1.3 million hectares),
New Zealand (1.2 million hectares),
South Africa, and America.
The largest known forest for this timber is from Chile.
Some exporters also come from New Zealand but are not purely plantation.
Usually, New Zealand exports this wood already in S2S or S4S form.
Tree: Between 15 – 25 years, Pine Radiata wood can have a 30 – 80 cm trunk diameter and a height between 15 – 30 meters. Pinus Radiata is a type of tree that grows fast and has straight trunks.
Wood Color: The heartwood is brownish red, and the sapwood is yellow and cream.
The circular line of the radiata pine is quite clearly visible so that the wood grain lines on the tangential division can be seen as well.
20. Madrone
What is a madrone tree?
The Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) is a dramatic and unique tree that lends beauty to the landscape all year round.
Madrone Driftwood is a heavy sinking type, Not the most desirable type of Driftwood, but that is useful for lower hardscapes or water softening.
Ideal as a solid base for Driftwood or more complicated plants to place on top at a low cost.
21. Rhododendron
The most spectacular of all houseplants grown on Russian holidays, No wonder this plant family, Ericaceae, is called rosewood.
The beauty and grace of the queen of the rhododendron flower are hardly inferior.
There are only two conditional groups of Rhododendrons: evergreen and deciduous.
In nature, both species grow in areas with a reasonably mild climate – especially in the humid highlands of Asia and North America.
Therefore, grown in central Russia, only suitable varieties, specially bred ice, Rhododendron Driftwood, should only be purchased in these confirmed circumstances.
There’s no point in risking toxic pieces that can harm your fish. Plus, Azalea Water is a beautiful addition to any aquarium, small or large.
22. Azalea
Azaleas are shrubby (rarely large), the smallest species growing only 10-100 cm in height, and the largest, 30 meters high.
Although Azaleas have been known since the first species, Rhododendron Hirsutum, by Charles de l’Écluse in the 16th century, the first genus was formally described by Linnaeus Species Plantarum in 1753.
Linnaeus listed five species of Azaleas under Rhododendron,
namely Rhododendron Ferrugineum,
Rhododendron Recyclingum.
Rhododendron Hirsutum.
Rhododendron chamaecistus (now Rhodothamnus chamaecistus).
and Rhododendron maximum.
23. Western Hemlock Root
Western Hemlock Root Driftwood is often found in substantial pieces.
This wood is an excellent choice for huge aquariums.
Pieces of that size are sporadic, so be prepared to pay a high price for large or elaborate amounts, which is less than ideal for small aquariums because his personality and pattern can only be recognized from a distance.
24. Willow
This extraordinary work of nature is scientifically known as Salix babylonica.
Belonging to the family Salicaceae, it is a tree that is considered deciduous in principle (that is, they fall in the fall), but the truth is that there are specimens that keep them most of the year, some that don’t drop all of them.
Depending on the climate (the milder, the longer the tree will last) and the genetics of each tree will have one behavior or another.
The average height is about 15 meters, reaching 20 if growing conditions are favorable.
The flowers are scattered in unisexual inflorescences, i.e., the flowers of each sex have their characteristics: each of which has two stamens, while the female has two pistils.
25. Button wood
This wood is black and white.
This wood is an excellent addition to a minimalist aquarium.
It works well with darker substrates and bright greenery.
26. Linden Tree
The Linden tree is an unusual and rare Driftwood, most likely due to the unlikely natural Linden driftwood.
However, professional driftwood preservatives have cured the wood from time to time, and the results can be excellent.
Always keep an eye out for unusual or complicated pieces of Driftwood.
27. swamp root
Marsh Root Driftwood is more common in Europe but popular in North America.
Swamp Roots are pre-soaked pieces of wood, sometimes collected from nature, sealed in a plastic bag filled with saltwater.
Saltwater baths kill parasites and other unwanted things that can enter your aquarium.
Marsh Root Driftwood tends to be thicker and less elegant than other types of Driftwood because it usually comes from pieces of roots and stems.
The entire stump with root tissue is often included, making Marsh Root a less sprawling showpiece and more compact in nature.
Because it was pre-soaked, the Marsh Root Driftwood would immediately sink; rinse lightly to remove loose dirt.
Unless your fish are susceptible to salt and your tank is small, the amount contained in the wood is minimal and not harmful to your fish.
If you plan to add it to an aquarium with sensitive or low-water fish, you will need to soak your new Marsh Root for 24 hours first.
28. Manzanita DriftWood
The Manzanita tree species (Arctostaphylos sp.) is found throughout western North America, making it an easily accessible and inexpensive option for your aquarium.
People produce Manzanita Driftwood for the pet trade across the country, and you can easily find them online or at pet stores.
You can even try to collect and maintain your branches if you live in the area—a time-consuming but rewarding project.
Manzanita is one of my favorite types of aquarium driftwood because it is dense and hardwood that won’t look rotten for years.
Manzanita varies from medium brown to reddish-brown, but most red is in the bark, sand-peeled before being sold as Driftwood.
A shrubby dryland tree has a lower-to-ground growth pattern, with curved, sweeping branches that create the classic, balanced driftwood look.
Manzanita is also chemically neutral and will not convert pH to acidity, making it an excellent choice for any aquarium.
There are also some tannins inside to stain the water. In short: Manzanita is the perfect aquarium driftwood.
29. Redmoor Wood
Redmoor Wood consists of bogwood branches and a small root system. Bogwood is full of tannins and will stain the water and push the chemistry towards acidity.
Because the stems are often small, a prolonged boiling and soaking process can remove most tannins and humic acid.
Although challenging, Redmoor Wood tends to be dusty and has a soft outer coating that will often feed on mold and bacteria when first introduced into the tank.
It is harmless, and the microorganisms will eventually eat all the loose wood and die.
Redmoor Wood always floats when first purchased, requiring prolonged soaking with weights to expel all the air.
Redmoor Wood is an excellent showpiece for smaller aquariums and an accent piece for larger tanks.
It has a twisted and tangled growth pattern and can be small enough to work even in a nano aquarium.
A large exhibit like a single Marsh Root plus a few scattered pieces of Redmoor can mimic tree crowns, bog spruce, or tangled tree roots with the proper settings and plants.
30. Sumatran Driftwood
Sumatran Driftwood is aptly named, coming from the roots of a dead Indonesian Mangrove tree uprooted during land development.
The roots are cut, sand-peeled, and sold in the aquarium trade.
Sumatran Driftwood is a natural showpiece; These cuts tend to be larger, with visibly flowing grains and thick roots that offer many aquascaping possibilities.
I classify Sumatran Driftwood as somewhere between Redmoor and Marsh Root in appearance; stocky and thick but moderately branched and sometimes even tangled.
Medium to dark browns works well in most aquascapes among the more costly driftwood choices due to the weight and significant dimension of Sumatran driftwood pieces.
It will change the pH and color of the water through the release of tannins and humic acids regardless of the immersion time.
However, it is relatively hardwood and very durable in aquascapes.
Wood-eating fish and invertebrates find Sumatran Driftwood particularly appetizing!