The Albino Roseline Shark is a remarkably beautiful freshwater fish prized addition to aquariums. These sharks stand out in any aquascape with their bright white bodies and striking red fins.
While popular, Albino Roseline Sharks do have specific care requirements to thrive. Understanding their origin, ideal tank conditions, diet, behavior and more is key to successfully keeping this species.
Read on for a complete guide to the Albino Roseline Shark that covers everything you need to know about these amazing fish.
Origin and Natural Habitat
The Albino Roseline Shark originates from the Western Ghats, a mountain range that runs parallel to the western coast of India. This region is one of the world’s top biodiversity hotspots, home to thousands of plant and animal species.
In the wild, the Roseline Shark inhabits fast-flowing hill streams and rivers. They prefer rocky and sandy substrate areas, submerged driftwood, and marginal vegetation. The water is clear and highly oxygenated in their natural environment.
Understanding the origin and native habitat of the Roseline Shark helps guide optimal tank conditions for the fish in captivity. Recreating the high flow, pristine water quality, and abundant hiding spots they enjoy in nature is key to their health and wellbeing.
Physical Characteristics
The most striking feature of the Albino Roseline Shark is its bright white body and lack of black pigmentation. While regular Roseline Sharks have an iridescent silver sheen, the albino morph has more of a matte white appearance.
In terms of size, the Albino Roseline Shark reaches around 6 inches long at maturity. Some may grow slightly larger, up to 8 inches in ideal tank conditions.
They have a laterally compressed, torpedo-shaped body well-suited for swimming against currents. Two dorsal fins sit atop their streamlined frame.
The fins of the Albino Roseline Shark make them stand out. The dorsal, caudal, and anal fins are a brilliant cherry red color. The pectoral and pelvic fins may also take on a reddish orange hue.
The dramatic contrast of their snow-white bodies and blood-red fins make the Albino Roseline one of the most eye-catching aquarium fish available.
Variants and Relatives
The albino morph is just one variety of Roseline Shark. The nominate strain has an iridescent silver body with black stripes running horizontally along the midline.
Here are some other color variations and close relatives:
- Gold Roseline Shark – Metallic gold body with red fins
- Gold Denison Barb – Bright yellow body with black bands
- Golden Denison Barb – Vibrant yellow body with red fins
The Gold Roseline Shark and Golden Denison Barb look nearly identical. The main difference is the Denison Barb has slightly more tapered fins.
While not technically a Roseline Shark, many aquarists use Denison Barb and Roseline Shark interchangeably when referring to the albino and gold varieties.
Care Requirements
Caring for Albino Roseline Sharks requires catering to their specific needs. Here are the key care guidelines to create a suitable home:
Tank Size
Due to their active nature, Albino Roseline Sharks need ample swimming space. The minimum tank size is a 55 gallon aquarium.
However, a larger tank of 75 gallons or more is ideal. This allows you to house a small school of 6 or more Roseline Sharks, where they’ll display more natural behavior.
Excellent oxygenation is crucial, as Roseline Sharks are adapted to highly-oxygenated hill stream environments.
Multiple air stones, hanging filters, and powerheads will help oxygenate the tank. The higher surface agitation, the better.
Albino Roseline Sharks do best in cool water between 72-79°F. Quick temperature fluctuations can stress them, so maintain a stable temp.
With proper care, the Albino Roseline Shark can live around 5 years in captivity. Some may exceed this lifespan by a year or two.
Include plenty of hiding spots and breaks in sight lines with rocks, driftwood, and aquatic plants. Leaving open swimming areas is important too.
A fine sandy substrate is ideal, as they naturally live over sand in the wild. However, smooth gravel also works well.
Water Parameters
Pristine water quality is vital. Perform regular partial water changes to keep nitrate under 20 ppm.
Ideal parameters are:
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Temperature: 72-79°F
- Hardness: 5-12 dGH
- Nitrate: Under 20 ppm
Diet and Feeding
The Roseline Shark is omnivorous in the wild and feeds on small invertebrates, insect larvae, plant matter, and aufwuchs.
As opportunistic feeders, they appreciate diversity in their diet. Here are some suggested foods:
- Live or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia
- Sinking pellets/flakes for omnivorous tropical fish
- Blanched vegetables like zucchini, spinach, cucumber
- Quality spirulina-based foods, algae wafers
Feed 1-2 small meals daily, offering only as much as they can consume within 2-3 minutes. This prevents excess uneaten food from fouling the water.
While Roseline Sharks are not strictly algae eaters, they will graze on algae in the tank. However, relying solely on naturally growing algae is insufficient to sustain them.
Behavior and Compatibility
Albino Roseline Sharks are active but generally peaceful. They do best when kept in groups of 5-6 or more.
Having adequate numbers reduces aggression and allows them to display natural schooling behavior.
That said, they are somewhat territorial with each other. You may see chasing or nipping, especially if kept in too small of a group.
Provide many broken-up sight lines and dense planting to minimize this behavior.
Roseline Sharks shouldn’t be housed with extremely docile species as they can become targets for harassment. Avoid miniature fish that can fit in their mouths.
Some suitable tank mates include:
- Other mid-sized cyprinids like Pearl Danios, Zebra Danios
- Rainbowfish
- Tetras
- Plecos
- Corydoras catfish
- Larger rasboras like Harlequin Rasboras
Overall, the Albino Roseline Shark makes a stunning display fish, but should be combined with robust tankmates that can handle some chasing.
Where to Buy
Albino Roseline Sharks can be purchased at specialty aquarium stores and online retailers. Availability may be limited based on your location.
Here are some reliable sources:
- Petco – Often stocks Gold Roseline Sharks, which look identical to the albino variety. The price is typically $17-20 each.
- LiveAquaria – Offers overnight shipping. Albino Roseline Sharks sold in packs of 5 for $99.99.
- Aqua Huna – Retailer based in California that breeds high-quality specimens. Sold for $18-25 depending on size.
- Local fish stores – Call ahead as availability varies. Buying locally saves on shipping costs.
When sourcing Albino Roseline Sharks, look for signs of health like full bodied specimens with vibrant red fins. Make sure you quarantine new fish before adding to an established tank.
Frequently Asked Questions
How big do Roseline Sharks get?
The typical size range is 5-7 inches long at maturity. Well-fed specimens may reach a maximum length of 8 inches.
Where can I buy Golden Denison Barbs?
The Golden Denison Barb is a gold color morph of the Roseline Shark. You can find them at specialty aquarium stores or order online through retailers like LiveAquaria. Expect to pay $15-25 per fish.
With their striking albino white bodies and blood-red fins, the Albino Roseline Shark is one of the most coveted species for planted aquariums.
While beautiful, they require cool, highly oxygenated water and lots of open swimming space. Keep them in groups and provide a varied omnivorous diet.
When their needs are met, Albino Roseline Sharks will readily display their beautiful colors and graceful schooling behavior. This active fish will put a crowning touch on any impressive home aquascape.