Salt Water Plunge Pool

Everything You Need to Know About Salt Water Plunge Pool and How to Build One on Your Property

A plunge pool can be a great alternative for those who have limited budgets and space. If you want to have your own swimming pool without having to sacrifice a lot of money, then you should consider building a plunge pool in your backyard.

In this article, you will learn all about plunge pools and how you can build one, but before we get into details, you should know what the plunge pool is in the first place. A plunge pool is different from a swimming pool. 

A plunge pool is sometimes called a dipping pool. Its size is smaller and shallower than your regular swimming pools. Because of its size and depth, the plunge pool is easy to maintain and cheaper than larger alternatives.

Moreover, a plunge pool is also suitable to be installed indoors due to its small size. A plunge pool is categorized into 2 types. They are a saltwater pool and chlorine pool. More to it will be explained below.

Salt Water Plunge Pool Meaning

You already know about the definition of a plunge pool. Now, what is a saltwater pool? A saltwater plunge pool is an alternative to a plunge chlorine pool. 

We use chlorine or saltwater to kill bacteria and other illness vectors from contaminating the pool. Moreover, chlorine or saltwater is also used in a regular swimming pool as a pool cleaner. 

However, a saltwater plunge pool is different from ocean salt since it only has 10 times less salt than those in the oceans. There is a 35.000 ppm (parts per million) salinity (saltiness) ocean in the ocean, but there is only 3.000 PPM salinity in a regular pool. 

Some people say that the saltwater pool has less effect on their eyes, hair, and skin than a pool that contains chlorine. You can find plunge pools with saltwater at resorts, hotels, and cruise ships.

Salt Water Plunge Pool Cost

If you want to build your own plunge pool using saltwater, you need to consider that a saltwater pool is more costly than a chlorine plunge pool since saltwater uses a system of chlorination that costs around $1.300 up to $2.000, which includes the installation fee. 

On the bright side, using a saltwater system can save you money in the long run since you don’t need to buy chlorine tablets to clean your plunge pool regularly.

Meanwhile, the costs of building the plunge pool also differ. If you build the pool yourself, you can save labor costs, and the amount you spend is approximately around $8.000 to $44.000. This already includes land excavation as well as a building permit.

For the design of pool basins and molds, you can spend as little as $4.000. You can also add a pump and other plunge pool equipment to your budget if you wish.

Salt Water Plunge Pool Pros

It is crucial to learn the advantages of using saltwater in your plunge pool. One of the reasons is to save money, as already explained in the point above.  

A saltwater plunge pool is also pretty easy to maintain, unlike chlorine pools that need chlorine tablets regularly. However, the pool owners still need to check the levels of alkaline and pH each week. 

Unlike a chlorine pool, a saltwater plunge pool also has no smell, so you won’t get bothered when enjoying yourself in your dipping pool.

Salt Water Plunge Pool Cons

A saltwater plunge pool that uses saltwater as a cleaning system also has some disadvantages. The salt in the pool can accelerate the erosion process of your plunge pool. 

You also need to check and clean the chlorine generators regularly. The chlorine generator can break easily, and you need to replace it to keep saltwater working. 

It also can’t produce chlorine in water if the temperature is colder than 60 degrees.

Salt Water Plunge Pool Kit

There are several kits or construction materials for your saltwater plunges pools, such as fiberglass pool and concrete in-ground pool. 

If you want your plunge pool to last, choose concrete as the material. A fiberglass plunge pool can be installed on your property for as little as 2 weeks.

Salt Water Plunge Pool Maintenance

Since a plunge pool is small, it also needs less maintenance and other ongoing expenditures than a big swimming pool. 

Plunge pools need less water and fewer cleanser chemicals. You can clean the pool with a handheld pool vacuum or with a net. You don’t need to invest in an expensive robot pool cleaner or other pool services. 

However, you need to regularly check the saltwater system to ensure that it works properly. You need to check the generator regularly and replace the parts if it breaks.


A saltwater plunge pool costs can vary and is a lot cheaper than a swimming pool, but saltwater maintenance is something you need to consider to keep your plunge pool functional and clean.