Danio Margaritatus – Galaxy Rasbora Characteristics and How To Care
The small, colorful Galaxy rasbora was discovered not so long ago. Because of their beautiful drawing, they become trendy aquarium fish.
They have come up with the wrong name because later research showed that it is not a Rasbora species but a Danio species.
Scientifically known as Danio margaritatus, in other names as the celestial pearl danio or Microrasbora sp. ‘Galaxy.’
It is better to keep this fish in a unique aquarium or keep it together with other fish species that remain small. They should also be kept in a not too high aquarium.
This fish is a member of the Cyprinidae family. It is a plant-based fish that adds a variety of colors and vigorous activity to any aquarium.
Stunning colors and markings. Formation in a group with each other and with other Danios and Rasboras. And is safe with plants.
After the species was discovered, wild populations quickly became very rare. Galaxy rasbora reproduces well in captivity; it is advisable not to buy wild-caught fish but to use what breeders offer.
What are the characteristics of Galaxy rasbora?
Galaxy rasbora is a peaceful, small, lively, and very colorful group of fish. Her scientific name is Danio margaritatus. They belong to the Bärblinge family and the carp-like order.
These are freshwater fish that was first discovered in 2006. The home of the fish is Thailand and Myanmar. As omnivores, the animals need a varied diet with a lot of live food.
Galaxy rasbora is elongated small fish that can reach a maximum length of 3 cm. Most of the time, however, they are a bit smaller. A striking colorful pattern characterizes them.
The flanks are bright blue with white dots; the fins are red-black, the back and belly are light browns, ocher or slightly reddish.
Galaxy Rasbora Appearances
Galaxy rasboracan adds both color and energy to any plant aquarium they get. The white-spotted bodies combined with their red or orange fins allow the fish to distinguish itself in its habitat.
These fish are small, usually measuring no more than an inch from head to tail. The most striking thing about these fish is the color of the fins.
All fins have 2 identical black lines with an intense red or orange color relying on the sex.
When you look at a group of these Danios, you will probably notice the difference in color between the individuals. This is because the males and females have various appearances.
Because they are such a new species, the conversations about where it fits into the Cyprinidae genus continues until this day.
They share their general shape with other family members and even have the mottled pattern of other danios, such as the dwarf fish (Danio nigrofasciatus).
The Ideal aquarium conditions
What are ideal aquarium conditions for Galaxy rasbora?
It should have at least 50 liters. On the one hand, as already mentioned, under fish tank conditions, it offers enough space for the fish to swim and contains dense planting around the edges and floating plants on the surface to provide shade.
Galaxy rasbora should be kept in groups of a minimum of 8 to 10 to be comfortable, On the one hand, the fish need enough space to swim, but they also need dense planting around the edges and shady floating plants on the surface.
They are freshwater fish. In good tank conditions, Galaxy rasbora can live for around 3 years.
The Rasbora Galaxy is peaceful and easy to care for as long as they live in stable water with good water quality, and it is best in aquariums with plants, rocks, or driftwood that provides them with a cover.
Rasbora Galaxy will form a group with each other and with all other species of danios, forming rainbows of movement throughout your aquarium!
To increase the number of specimens you keep, you need a larger aquarium. Aim for about 10 liters per fish.
Also, try to keep the aquarium relatively shallow, and This will mimic the superficial nature of their home and make the fish feel more comfortable.
Space for swimming is important but also planting around the edges and floating plants.
Gender differences and behavior of Galaxy rasbora
The females are not quite as brightly colored as the males, although they are pretty similar. The best way to know between males and females Galaxy rasbora is by the anal fin.
Like all other fins, it is bright red-black-striped in the males and almost transparent in the females. In addition, male Galaxy rasbora performs impressive mating dances to impress the females.
The males are slim and often more vibrant in color, particularly on the tail, while the females are slightly duller and rounder in shape.
When you look at these beautiful fish, you will see that some have bright red bellies; these are the men. Women have more yellow/green bellies.
It is a shy little fish in its own right that needs a group to feel confident. A dither fish is not a bad thing with these fish, which will help keep them more in view.
Galaxy rasbora is a vibrant fish and needs freedom of movement. They can be socialized well with others.
The males will constantly fight each other for mates, eventually leading to injuries or deaths. So if there are more females than males, the risk of a fight will be reduced.
Food and nutrition for Galaxy rasbora
As omnivores, guinea fowl coats need a mix of live, frozen, and dry food. Due to their small size, the live food must also be small food animals. These can be, for example, Daphnia, Cyclops, and Artemia.
In nature, this fish mainly eats small arthropods, algae, and other tiny organisms. When Galaxy rasbora is kept in an aquarium, it can also be given dry food.
However, the fish will have to be fed a varied diet to keep the colors and health good. Trying to feed flakes is pointless. The Rasbora Galaxy almost never comes near the water’s surface and will therefore not find the food.
When feeding, Galaxy rasbora only eats in the middle of the tank, neither the surface nor on the bottom. It is therefore essential to feeds the fish several times a day with relatively small portions.
As with much small fish, they are no match for larger fish. So make sure you don’t keep too large or crowded fish with them. You will risk them that they will not get anything to eat.
The Galaxy rasbora is very sensitive to nematodes (roundworms), causing them to lose weight, develop hollow bellies, and die.
After purchasing this fish, it is best to immediately give a worm treatment to prevent the healthy fish from getting bothered.
Breeding Galaxy rasbora
Growing Galaxy rasbora fish is relatively easy; you should have excessive plant growth, and it is best placed in sunlight, which mimics its natural environment (shallow water pools). It is best to put a group in the breeding tank to have more chance of a couple.
After mating, about 30 eggs are usually deposited; these are scattered everywhere. The plants then provide sufficient protection.
After the egg deposition, it is better to remove all fish; otherwise, they eat the eggs. The eggs hatch about 3 to 4 days later.
The young are only 3 millimeters in size. When they start to swim around freely, they can be raised with liquifry and then with Artemia nauplii.
Galaxy Rasbora In Summary:
Latin name: Danio Margaritatus
Family: Cyprinidae
Synonyms: Celestichthys margaritatus
Water temperature: 20 to 25 degrees Celsius
Water hardness: 5 ° -20 ° dH
pH values: 6.4-7.4 pH
Level of care: Beginners (medium)
Temperature: 22-26 degrees
Fish size: 2-2.5 cm
Aquarium size/minimum liter: 20 l
Tank setup: Freshwater, Overgrown and shallow
Origin: Myanmar & Thailand
Details: The larger an aquarium, the more these fish feel at ease. Do not place with other fish that are too large.
Feed preference: Omnivorous. Can handle most flake foods and algae and freeze-dried daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp. Preference is given to frozen and live food, and dry food is also accepted.