Black moor goldfish are a popular variety of fancy goldfish kept as pets worldwide. With their signature telescope eyes and all-black coloration, they stand out in home aquariums. But their unique appearance also raises questions about their behavior and compatibility with other fish. Specifically, many aquarists wonder – do black moor goldfish eat other fish?
The short answer is – sometimes. Black moor goldfish are omnivores that will eat both plant and animal matter. They are unlikely to hunt other fish to eat actively but may snack on small creatures, fish eggs, or dead fish in some situations. Their dietary habits depend on food availability, tank mates, and conditions. Black moor goldfish are relatively peaceful community fish, but special care should be taken when housing them with smaller, more vulnerable tank mates.

The Nature of Black Moor Goldfish
To understand whether black moor goldfish eat other fish, we must first explore their natural behaviors and dietary tendencies.
Dietary Habits
In the wild, black moor goldfish are omnivorous – meaning they eat plant and animal matter. They have an opportunistic diet and will eat whatever foods are available in their environment. Their natural diets consist of:
- Insects – mosquito larvae, water fleas, worms, small crustaceans
- Aquatic Plants – duckweed, algae, etc.
- Detritus – decaying organic matter
- Zooplankton – microscopic animals
This varied diet allows them to thrive in lakes, ponds, and slow-moving rivers.
In home aquariums, black moor goldfish should be fed a balanced omnivorous diet including:
- High-quality goldfish pellets and flakes
- Frozen or freeze-dried foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms
- Blanched vegetables – peas, zucchini, spinach
- Occasional treats like shrimp, insects,worms
This nutritious diet will keep black moor goldfish healthy and reduce any urge to hunt tank mates.
Omnivorous Nature
As omnivores, black moor goldfish are opportunistic eaters – they will eat plant and animal matter as needed for nutrition and if readily available.
In aquariums, they do not need high protein foods or livestock prey to stay healthy. But given the chance, they may snack on tiny creatures, eggs, or dead fish. Their omnivorous tendencies make them more flexible community fish.
Other true carnivorous fish like cichlids or tiger barbs require much more protein and are more likely to hunt tank mates.
Comparisons with Other Goldfish Varieties
While all goldfish carry an omnivorous nature, levels of aggression can vary between breeds. Comparing black moor goldfish to other popular goldfish varieties gives insight into their dietary tendencies.
Goldfish Behavior
In general, goldfish are peaceful community fish when properly cared for. They do not actively hunt other fish to eat. But their opportunistic feeding habits mean they will snack on small creatures or eggs when available.
All goldfish carry a risk of nipping on long flowing fins of tank mates. And they may harass slower moving fish, especially in cramped tanks.
Well-fed goldfish in a spacious aquarium are unlikely to terrorize community fish. Providing plenty of plant cover and hiding spots also reduces aggression.
Variety Differences
Comet Goldfish – Single-tailed comets are active foragers that benefit from protein-rich foods. They may be likelier to nibble on worms, small snails or scavenge any dead fish. Fancy goldfish are slower, making comets more competitive tank mates.
Oranda Goldfish – Orandas are docile, slower moving fancy goldfish less prone to fin nipping or harassing others. Their elaborate wen hoods can be nipped by faster goldfish. They are among the safest options for community tanks.
Black Moor Goldfish – Black moors are moderate in activity levels and less aggressive than athletic comet goldfish. Their telescope eyes give them poor vision which reduces feeding efficiency. They are relatively safe community fish.
So black moor goldfish fall somewhere in the middle – less nippy than energetic comets but not quite as sedate as oranda goldfish.
Compatibility with Other Fish
When stocking their aquarium, owners rightly wonder whether black moor goldfish can live peacefully with other fish or if they will eat their tank mates.
Tank Mates
Black moor goldfish can live harmoniously with most medium or large-sized fish. Suitable tank mates include:
- Goldfish – Common, comet, fantail, oranda, black moor, ryukin
- Barbs – Tiger barbs, cherry barbs, odessa barbs
- Danios – Zebra danios, leopard danios
- Loaches – Clown loaches, kuhli loaches
- Catfish – Plecos, corydoras
- Gouramis – Pearl gouramis, moonlight gouramis
Avoid housing black moor goldfish with small shrimp, snails, or fish that can fit in their mouth like neon tetras or guppies. The goldfish may snack on these tank mates.
Also use caution when pairing black moors with nippy fish like serpae tetras or aggressive cichlids. These fast fish may harass the slower moving black moors.
Aggressive Behavior
Though black moor goldfish are relatively peaceful, they can still show some aggressive tendencies in certain situations:
Overcrowding – Too many fish competing for resources produces aggressive behaviors in goldfish as they vie for food and territory.
Small Tank Size – Goldfish require lots of swimming space. Cramped tanks increase aggression and stress.
Lack of Plants/Hiding Spots – Open tanks without plants or decor for fish to take shelter tend to increase nipping and harassment.
Underfeeding – Hungry goldfish may turn to tank mates as a protein source, especially if they can swallow the smaller inhabitants.
Providing black moor goldfish proper space, food, and enrichment is key to curbing any potential aggressive behaviors.
Special Cases
Though black moor goldfish are unlikely to hunt down healthy adult fish, they may take advantage of fish eggs or dead fish in some cases.
Feeding on Fish Eggs
The opportunistic feeding habits of black moors means they will eat any fish eggs readily available. Species known to eat their own and other fish eggs include:
- Goldfish
- Cichlids
- Catfish
- Killifish
- Guppies
- Tetras
- Barbs
Therefore, black moor goldfish should not be kept in breeding tanks with fish attempting to spawn. The goldfish will consume the eggs before they can hatch.
Feeding on Dead Fish
Dead fish quickly decay and foul the water. As omnivores and scavengers, most goldfish will not pass up a free dead fish snack, including black moors.
This behavior can be beneficial by removing the dead fish before it ruins water quality. But it also means goldfish should be removed quickly if a tank mate dies.
Precautions and Solutions
While black moor goldfish are relatively safe community fish, some special precautions should be taken to avoid potential issues.
Avoiding Aggression
- Provide at least 20 gallons per goldfish
- Include plenty of plants, rocks, driftwood for hiding and territory
- Use smooth substrate like sand so goldfish don’t scrape themselves
- Feed a varied, protein-rich diet so fish are not hungry
- Introduce tank mates gradually and watch for aggression
- Maintain excellent water quality to avoid stress
Tank Requirements
Black moor goldfish thrive in large tanks of at least 20 gallons per fish, offering ample swimming room and diluting waste.
Plenty of filtration is needed to handle goldfish bio-load. External canister filters are ideal for moving water volumes.
Partial water changes of 25-40% weekly help remove nitrates which can accumulate quickly.
These ideal tank conditions promote healthy goldfish less prone to aggression issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Black Moor Goldfish Live Alone?
While black moor goldfish are social and prefer to live in groups, they can be kept alone in species-only tanks. Fancies like black moors do better solitary than athletic comets or commons. Provide lots of tank enrichment if housing a single black moor.
Do Goldfish Eat Other Fish?
Goldfish are omnivores and opportunistic eaters. They will not actively hunt down healthy adult fish tank mates. But goldfish may nip fins, pick at slime coats, or eat eggs and fry if given the chance. Proper tank conditions and compatible tank mates reduce this risk.
Can Black Moor Goldfish Mate with Other Goldfish?
Black moor goldfish can successfully cross-breed with other goldfish varieties like comet, fantail, oranda, etc.
The offspring (fry) will show a mix of physical traits from the parent fish. Crossing a black moor with a ryukin or oranda may result in telescope-eyed fish with partial wen growth.
Maintaining pure bloodlines is difficult if housing multiple goldfish varieties together. Hybrids are common.
If breeding quality shows fish, keeping black moors separate from other varieties is best. Hobbyists breeding pet fish are often pleased by the unique hybrids that can be produced.
Additional Information
Black Moor Goldfish Lifespan
Black moor goldfish typically live 5-10 years with proper care. Their telescope eyes make them more vulnerable to health issues like eye infections. Maintaining pristine water quality helps black moors reach the upper end of their lifespan.
Black Moor Goldfish Tank Size
Black moor goldfish need at least 20 gallons for the first fish with an additional 10-20 gallons per extra goldfish. Large tanks help dilute waste and provide ample swimming room.
Black Moor Goldfish Price
Black moor goldfish are relatively affordable, ranging from $3-$12 on average at pet stores. Rarer color morphs like chocolate black moors cost $15-$30. Show quality black moor goldfish can fetch $50 or more.
Can Oranda Goldfish Live with Black Moor Goldfish?
Yes, oranda and black moor goldfish generally coexist well together. Both are slower moving fancy varieties less prone to nipping. Ensure the tank is large enough to meet both fish’s needs.
Are Black Moors Good with Other Fish?
Black moor goldfish can be good community fish given proper tank size, compatible tank mates, adequate feeding, and plenty of shelter. Medium or large peaceful fish are best suited to live with black moors.
Do Goldfish Eat Other Fish?
Goldfish are omnivores and may eat small fish, nibble fins, or pick at slime coats if housed in inadequate conditions. But they will not actively hunt down healthy adult fish tank mates in a well-run aquarium.
Can Black Moor Goldfish Live with Tetras?
Black moors should not be kept with small tetras like neon or cardinal tetras since they may eat them. Larger tetras like black skirt tetras can work but may fin nip the slower goldfish. Choose tank mates carefully.
Can Black Moor Fish Live with Goldfish?
Yes, black moor goldfish can live safely with other goldfish varieties, especially slower moving fancies. Comets and commons may be more nippy tank mates. Ensure the tank size can accommodate all goldfish.
While black moor goldfish are omnivores and may snack opportunistically on small fish, eggs, or dead fish, they are relatively peaceful community fish when properly cared for.
Their dietary flexibility allows them to thrive on plant and prepared foods in home aquariums without needing live fish prey.
Black moors stand out in any community tank with their unique telescope eyes. Providing adequate space, compatible tank mates, and a varied diet will allow black moor goldfish and other fish to coexist safely. Monitor new tank mates carefully and remove any aggression promptly.
With a well-run aquarium, owners can enjoy the beauty of black moor goldfish without worrying about consuming other inhabitants. Their docile nature, alongside other medium-large fish can make for interesting communities.